She She Pop – Mehr als sieben Schwestern

Quiñones, Aenne (Hrsg.) She She Pop
Postdramatic Theatre in Portraits

Much has happened since the founding of the feminist performance collective She She Pop, both in terms of feminism and the development of post-dramatic theatre. Both belong together for the internationally renowned “women’s group of seven women and one man”. Working as a collective became a forward-looking model for this and still forms the prerequisite for constantly trying out new forms of cooperation and breaking down clichés. Shame, Shame, Shame! – where many look the other way, that’s where it gets interesting for She She Pop.

With an introductory essay by Annett Gröschner, an interview with She She Pop by Aenne Quiñones, conversations with long-time collaborators, numerous illustrations and an up-to-date catalogue raisonné.

The series Postdramatic Theatre in Portraits is dedicated to the development of a new theatre aesthetic since the 1990s. The history of actors of postdramatic theatre in the German-speaking world is told for the first time in the form of monographs. The editors of the series are Florian Malzacher, Aenne Quiñones and Kathrin Tiedemann.

A publication series of the Kunststiftung NRW at Alexander Verlag Berlin.

2022, 168 pages. 115 illustr.. 13,5 x 19,0 cm. Broschur

ISBN 978-3-89581-562-1

12,90 €

Schubladen Radio Play

Six women open their secret drawers. Three of them grew up in the former Federal Republic of Germany, three of them in the GDR. More than 20 years after the fall of the wall, they now decide it is time to get to know one another better. So they delve into autobiographical material: letters, diaries, their personal inner archives of images and music. She She Pop and their East German colleagues pledge themselves to polyphony, to collective narratives. Gaps, inaccuracies and missing links are part of the system. Who were we? Who are we? Why have we become this way?


Concept and Regie: She She Pop
With: Annett Gröschner, Alexandra Lachmann, Peggy Mädler, Johanna Freiburg, Ilia Papatheodorou, Nina Tecklenburg.
Further Contribution: Lisa Lucassen, Wenke Seemann, Katharina Lorenz, Barbara Gronau, Anja Dürrschmidt et. al.
Sound: Max Knoth, Andreas Narr
Technical Direction: Philipp Adelmann
Dramaturgy: Barbara Gerland
Susanne Franzmeyer

Production Deutschlandradio Kultur 2013

Length: 54’30.


past dates:
October 17, 2019, um 22:03 Uhr, Deutschlandfunk
February 23/24, 2015, 23. um 15:00 Uhr, 24. um 20:03 Uhr, Radio Bayern2
October 14, 2013, In Kooperation mit Deutschlandradio Kultur. Hörspiel nach der Performance Schubladen von She She Pop., 00:05 Uhr, Deutschlandradio Kultur
October 13, 2013, Präsentation des Hörspiels Schubladen im HAU. Der Eintritt ist frei!, Berlin

Testament Radio Play

By and with She She Pop & their fathers

She She Pop ask their fathers to the radio studio to once again argue about money, love, heritage, 100 knights and King Lear.

Length: ca. 54’30.


Concept: She She Pop.
Directed by: She She Pop.
Production: Deutschlandradio Kultur 2011.
Lear’s daugthers: Sebastian Bark, Fanni Halmburger, Lisa Lucassen, Ilia Papatheodorou.
King Lear: Jochaim Bark, Peter Halmburger, Theo Papatheodorou.
Music: Max Knoth, Christopher Uhe.
Sound: Andreas Narr, Max Knoth.
Technical direction: Hermann Leppich.
Production assistant: Susanne Franzmeyer.
Editor: Barbara Gerland.

Premiere: September 19th, 2011 at 00:05, Deutschlandradio Kultur.


Winner of Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden 2012 Bund der Kriegsblinden Deutschlandradio Kultur


past dates:
November 05, 2020, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 22:03 Uhr, Deutschlandfunk Kultur
May 26, 2013, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 17:04 Uhr, SR 2 KulturRadio - HörspielZeit
April , 2013, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 22:03 Uhr, SWR2
March 15, 2013, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 18:30 Uhr, Dresden
October 28, 2012, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 20:00 Uhr, Berlin
September 30, 2012, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 14:04 Uhr, RBB Kulturradio
June 13, 2012, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 21:33 Uhr, Deutschlandradio Kultur
June 12, 2012, Ausgezeichnet mit dem Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden 2012, Köln
July 11, 2012, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 20:03 Uhr, hr 2
April 28, 2012, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, WDR 3
January 25, 2012, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 20:03 Uhr, NDR Kultur
January 9, 2012, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 20:03, Bayern 2
January 8, 2012, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 15:00 Uhr, Bayern 2
December 21, 2011, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 20:00 Uhr, Schweizer Radio DRS 2
September 192011um00:0, Uhr, Hörspiel der gleichnamigen Performance von und mit She She Pop and ihren Vätern, 00:05 Uhr, Deutschlandradio Kultur

Abenteuer Schwingung Hörspiel

Radio play in collaboration with the Hamburg musician Felix Kubin. She She Pop and Felix Kubin present a Cabinet of Curiosities of the Supernatural.

“Abenteuer Schwingung” is also an information and educational program covering topics from metaphysics to parapsychology. As radio itself reaches households through vibrations, it is predisposed to explore phenomena such as hypnosis, manifestations of the unconscious, and other subtle energies. The program is hosted by a moderator who engages in discussions and daring experiments with experts from biochemistry, engineering, popular science, psychology, and bizarre radiation research. They all undergo astonishing experiences.


By: She She Pop und Felix Kubin
Direction and Music: die AutorInnen
With: Johanna Freiburg, Claudia Jansen, Felix Kubin, Elisabeth Lucassen, Katharina Oberlik und Berit Stumpf
Sound and Technics: Andreas Narr und Sabine Winkler
Production: DLR Berlin 2000
Length: 54’22
Broadcast Premiere: October 9, 2000.


past dates:
January 31, 2024, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Berlin
October , 2000, DeutschlandRadio, Berlin